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Contact or visit Geebee Invitations today
Private Address, London,
London N3 3HS
Call us on: 020 8349 3789

A little bit more information

Geebee Invitations, Wedding Invitations and Stationery in London. Wedding Invitations and Stationery, Wedding Suppliers.

We specialise in making beautiful wedding invitations and co-ordinating stationery for your big day.

We have a range of designs from the elegant to the quirky – whatever best suits your unique tastes! All our creations are made to order so if you would like any design in another colour or to combine different elements, this can be done very easily.

We also cater for Asian weddings – we have Sikh, Muslim, Hindu and multi-faith cards that incorporate your needs, like additional cards for Mendhi and Jago ceremonies.

If you would like any further information or assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are available in person in Birmingham or London but are happy to cater to further a field customers via the world wide web!