Ten top tips for a more beautiful you on your wedding day
Dimples and pimples
Most of us don’t have model bodies but we can make the most of what we’ve got. For circulation and the texture and condition of your skin, nothing beats exfoliation. Apply exfoliator in circular movements to help remove the top layer of dead cells, then moisturise thoroughly.
Shake it, baby
If you’re a stranger to exercise, join a gym at least six months before your wedding date and begin a programme of exercise that will trim and tone you, making sure you look your best in that fabulous frock. Time is always tight, especially for brides-to-be, but set yourself a target of at least 30 minutes of exercise three times a week to improve energy levels and boost your metabolism. And if you find yourself bored with the gym, mix in sessions of swimming, dancing, walking, and jogging. It doesn’t have to be boot camp, just keep it moving. When it comes to showing off your sexy wedding-night lingerie, you’ll be so glad you made the effort.
Eat your greens
If you’re serious about trimming down and glowing with health, ditch the junk food and improve your diet. You’ll notice the effects almost immediately. Eat three healthy meals each day and make sure you include at least five portions of fresh fruit and veg. If you’re a desperate snacker, nibble on fruit. Treats don’t have to be off the menu, but keep them for now and again.
Eau zone
This is so simple. Why aren’t we all doing it? Drinking at least six large glasses of water each day will hydrate and help clear your skin, perk you up, brighten your eyes, help keep your system in good working order and even reduce the appearance of cellulite. If you don’t like it cold, enjoy it hot, with green tea. But drop the pop. It’s fluid, but not the type your doctor or beauty therapist would advise.
Wedding planning can be pretty intense and some brides and their mums can lose that all-important sense of proportion as planning takes hold. Take some time for yourself, either with your partner, your pals or your mum, and try not to talk about weddings, just for a day or two. A weekend at a country house hotel or on a sunny beach, a whale-watching trip, hill climbing in the Peaks or a day at a health spa - whatever helps you to unwind.
Make-up magic
You’ll be spending plenty of money as your wedding plans come together, so save some cash and take advantage of the free makeovers offered at the counters of the big cosmetics companies in department stores. You’ll get lots of hints and tips.
Burn baby, burn
Turn your personal space into a haven of calm with a gorgeous, mood enhancing candle. It’ll help you to relax and help bring a bit of perspective back into your busy life.
Update that image
There’s nothing like a change - but make sure it’s for the better. A new hair style or colour can send your confidence sky-high but don’t make the change so drastic that your beloved doesn’t recognise the vision that’s walking towards him down the aisle. And remember, hair fashions come and go (and, boy, are we glad to see the back of some of them) but your photographs will be with you forever. Have you ever seen a photograph of someone sporting a suicidal 1970s bubble perm that didn’t make you cringe with horror?
Go for the glow
Most brides want to walk down the aisle with a sun-kissed glow, and know that a heavy tan à la Donatella simply isn’t flattering. The new moisturisers that contain a touch of sunless tanning agent give the perfect sun-kissed look and leave skin oh-so-soft.
Touchy, feely
A massage or facial makes you feel good all over. In the six months leading up to your special day, treat yourself to regular massages, facials, pedicures and manicures. You’ll feel better, and look better, too. Remember, though, not to use any new products too close to your wedding day. The last thing you want is an allergic reaction. That’s just not pretty...