Hire Chocolate Fountains for your wedding
Having warm cascading chocolate on tap is as much fun as you can have with your clothes on
Depending on your taste, choose from white, milk or dark chocolate, but always make sure it's the best quality or unbeatable Belgian.
But oh! What the heck throw calorie counting to the wind and just have all three.
Exotic fruits, marshmallow, fudge, mini doughnuts, profiteroles or cake is dipped into flowing warm chocolate. Quality Belgium chocolate still reigns supreme in the milk variety and is considered the best for taste and pouring.
Chocolate lovers will be instantly drawn to sample a whole range of dipping treats. It’s the perfect ice-breaker making it easy for even the shyest to just wander up and start chatting with everyone else. Charges are worked out by the number of guests attending, which dictates the amount of chocolate needed, plus the cost by weight and quantity of the different dipping treats you choose.
Do your homework in advance and book a company displaying the required food qualifications in Catering, Food Hygiene, Health and Safety. It’s important for complete peace of mind and for the care of your guests.