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  • Report content:
    How to: Click 'Report this post' at the bottom of a particular item.
    Why: If you feel that any information you read on the site is incorrect, misleading or you believe it should not be visible by the public, click this button to report it to our administrator.
  • Comment on content:
    How to: Click 'Add new comment' at the bottom of a particular item.
    Why: Have you got a little extra information to add to a topic? Would you like to help others decide when they are looking for good, reliable suppliers? Got a secret hint or tip that you want to share? Adding comments helps others using the site to gain your experience and advice.
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    How to: Click on the 'heart rating system' at the bottom of a particular item.
    Why: Rating subjects and suppliers will make the items more popular in our database and as such will make them more prominent to other site visitors. On the flip side, if you have had a bad experience with something, giving something a poor rating will help stop other users making the same mistakes.