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Contact or visit Berganza today
88-90 Hatton Garden, Holborn,
London EC1N 8PN
Call us on: 02074300393
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Here's where we are based

A little bit more information

Berganza, Jewellery and Wedding Rings in Holborn. Wedding Gifts and Gift Lists, Jewellery and Wedding Rings, Wedding Suppliers, Wedding Guests.

Based in London Hatton Garden, Berganza specialises in antique and vintage jewellery. The family run business is built on their passion for gemstones and rare jewels. They began as gemstone dealers, from mining through to cutting and polishing. As master lapidaries their extensive experience fashioning and dealing in precious gemstones offers an in-depth understanding of gemstone quality and rarity. Berganza specialises in antique jewellery as this is where the finest jewels are found. Berganzas knowledge covers all aspects of jewellery from mine to lapidary, gemmology to manufacture and boast expert all-round knowledge of jewellery history.