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After a really busy few months, working on the latest issue of White Wedding Pages, we had a few days break to think about some of the new things we could offer our brides and grooms that they would find useful.

Our brainstorm meetings here at HQ were amazing. Ideas were flying all round from the crew, eager to make planning a wedding a better experience. Should we offer one couple the chance to Win a Wedding? Should we give a honeymoon away to one lucky couple? Should we give monthly gifts and prizes? Should we take all our brides and grooms on holiday with us? No! Only joking! But, wouldn't that be fun?

What we all agreed upon was the £5 Savers Card. Give every couple one for Free, so they could all save £5 on every purchase over a £100. And, if they used it often enough, not only could they save over £100, but we would set up a monthly prize draw each time they told us they'd used the card. So the next question was, what type of monthly prize draw gift?

So here's where you all come in. If you would like to suggest the 'Prize of the Month' (12 of them in all) for up to £100 - cash or gifts, just email your ideas to me at Think about quirky and fun, or useful. But whoever sends in the best ideas and their reason for choosing it, will be thanked on the home page of And if you send in your favourite piccy, that too will be shown.

And if you haven't downloaded your Free Wedding Savers Card yet, do it now. Look up to the revolving banner - that's it up there, see it?. Don't forget, you can have as many as you like - get one for Mum and Dad (both sides of family) and even your chief bridesmaid too.

It's your free gift - take it...
