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Mentorn TVFancy a chance to get on TV? Well do you meet any of the following criteria? Here's a request from a TV production company who are looking for young couples, who live with their parents/in laws while perhaps looking to get married or saving for a house:

"TV company Mentorn Media are researching for a feel good documentary for a major channel about families who’ve embraced their grown up children’s other halves.

  • Are you part of a young couple (under 26) and living at home whilst saving to buy your own place?
  • Is it a cultural tradition that you’re happy to embrace?
  • Don’t have anywhere else to go?
  • Or maybe you just love your mum's cooking too much to leave!?!

We would love to hear your story and the reasons why you’re joining the national trend of ‘boomerang kids’. To find out more contact: or call Eliana on 0207 258 6712. Thanks!"

Are you applicable for this, or know someone who is? Then get in touch today via the email provided. Need a little more background information? Here's a bit more from Mentorn:

Mentorn Media (makers of Dispatches, Katie My Beautiful Face and Question Time).

We are making a pilot programme about young couples who live with their parents/in laws. We have some great couples who we have already filmed with, however for them it’s a temporary situation and they are saving up and keen to move out soon. We’d like to present the positive side of multi-generational households, and in particular find a family for whom it’s a cultural tradition that they are happy to embrace.

Our ideal family are friendly and would feel confident talking to a small camera team. The young couple involved would be between 18-27 years old.