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I was just sitting here thinking: the latest email to 15,000 brides with some fabulous offers from wedding companies is running, and realised, all people involved in planning a wedding: mums, dads, bridesmaids, everyone, should know about these offers.

So, I would like to suggest to everyone out there involved in a Big Day somewhere, to sign up for this email. It's absolutely free and so simple. Just go to the home page and sign up for your weekly email. You can stop it when you want and your details are never shared. But, just think, some of these offers and discounts are for those other than the bride and groom. Mother of the bride offers, venue savings - anything and everything to do with saving money on a weddings is covered, and if you've offered to pick up the tab for your son or daughter, why not save too.

So, go on, sign up!

Phew! Time to take a breather

P.S. get yourself a £5 Wedding Savers Card while you're there.