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A celebrant will work with you to create a personalised ceremony for a wedding, civil partnership, renewal of vows. A celebrant will help you turn your dream ceremony into reality and create a ceremony that reflects your personalities. They will explain unity ceremonies that you might like to include such as a candle ceremony, a sand ceremony, a water ceremony, a handfasting. Some of these ceremonies are also suitable to include other family members such as children.

The ceremony is commemorative, so it is important that you still fulfil your legal obligation and obtain your marriage license from a Registrar. This includes the couple and two witnesses. Celebrants also deliver baby naming ceremonies, funerals and more.

Choosing a celebrant to create your ceremony is an important decision. Your chosen celebrant should:

  • work with you to make your day a painting that says a thousand words
  • be one that you feel comfortable with
  • be one that you develop a warm and personal relationship with
  • be flexible
  • be experienced and have references
  • be insured
  • belong to a professional body

Don’t be afraid of asking for references and contacting previous clients. They will tell it how it really is. Search for video clips so that you can see the celebrant in action.

What Exactly Is A Celebrant?