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What could it cost you to turn down a leap year proposal?

Leap year wedding proposals have been traditionally when a girl proposes marriage to her man.

Not exclusive to women though, leap years and particularly the 29th February is one of the most popular days when a marriage proposal is made by a man to a woman.

Significant by the fact that this single day only comes around every four years, those with romance on their minds, choose the date to make that all-important request for a loved-ones hand in marriage.

But beware, in days of old when the proposal of marriage made by a woman to a man was turned down, tradition had it that the refusing man must make amends by buying 12 pairs of gloves, to hide the woman's shame that there was no engagement ring being worn on her hand.

Nowadays, a refusal is likely to demand far more than 12 pairs of gloves as a payback. Instead, only a fabulous holiday, at least 12 date nights at the destination she chooses with no expense spared, or that pair (or two) of Christian Louboutin shoes she's always wanted, will anywhere near fit the bill of this turn down.

'Congratulations' to all those for whom the 29th of February is the start of your wedding planning. There will be thousands of couples where this date was the only date worthy of your proposal, when the answer was always going to be 'yes'.