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The original icing will help to keep the cake in good heart but, depending how long you store it, icing will invariably discolour and need replacing. It’s not that difficult to remove icing and replace it with fresh.

There are several ways of storing a cake and the more alcohol it has in it, the better it will keep.

Freezing is one option, but Just The Wedding’s Cordon Bleu cook says it can cause a rich fruit cake to dry out. If you want to try freezing, wrap the cake tightly in foil, then put it in two or even three freezer bags. When it comes to defrosting, defrost it slowly in the fridge, still inside it’s wrapping. Another method is to wrap the cake in acid-free tissue paper, then store it in a cool, dry place in an airtight container. But if you’re hoping to keep the cake for several years, it’s probably best not to bother. Eat it all at your wedding and treat yourself to a fresh one for a christening that might be some years distant.

lemon miniature cake