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It’s the chief bridesmaid’s job to organise the hen party but most brides have a pretty good idea what they want to do.

It can be anything from a pyjama party with a big box of chocs and a few bottles of champagne, to a full-blown week away under the tropical sun. It’s a great excuse for a party with all your favourite girls, both friends and family. Whoever does end up doing the planning should have some idea of what it’s all going to cost, and who’s paying. Normally everybody chips in in equal shares: if it’s a week or weekend away, the bride-to-be will be expected to pay for herself, but for a single-night party her friends might put together and cover her costs.

If the plan involves considerable expenditure, the organiser should get everyone’s money up-front and hand out the individual tickets. That way, if somebody doesn’t show up, it won’t involve others picking up the tab. Similarly if someone turns up late, the whole party doesn’t have to be delayed and the treat ruined. It’s generally not a great idea to just turn up in a foreign city (though quite exciting in theory) and hope you’ll find accommodation for a large group. It’s the way to get ripped off or, worse, find yourself with nowhere to sleep in a strange city.

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